onsdag 7 oktober 2009

Yay! Game!

I just played a game that I had totally forgotten about. Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Freakin awesome! I haven't played it in years, but today I suddenly remembered it. Strange that. But anyway, it's an awesome game. A green rabbit running around killing things, it doesn't get any better than that. No wait, I lied. It does get better than that. Bubble bobble and Super mario, that is the shit. But anyway, JJR 2 is awesome!

I watched Mystery men the other day. And man what a snooze-fest. It had the potential of being great, but nooo. It was boring, with boring actors and I fell asleep. And I never fall asleep when I'm watching movies, unless they're really really bad. And this was one bad movie. Which is really weird since I usually like the parody-style comedies, but not this one. The only thing I liked was Janeane Garofalo as The Bowler, who had her father's skull in her bowling-ball, Hank Azaria as The Blue Raja and Eddie Izzard as Tony P. But the other actors didn't do it for me. William H Macy was boooring, Kel Mitchell was... well... Kel Mitchell, and Ben Stiller should've been stupider. Ben Stiller is sooo funny when he's really really stupid, or when he's stupid and awkward. But not this time, it felt like he wasn't trying. At all. Sad...

I'm really disappointed that I didn't like this movie, or found it entertaining. Since I like almost every *insert genre here*-movie, I really thought I would like this at least a little. But noooo. Oh well, at least it wasn't as bad as Date movie (God I hate that movie. The only movie that really made me throw up). So I guess that's good. And maybe I will have to Mystery men another chance. Perhaps I will like it more then...

onsdag 30 september 2009

One that sucks and one that rocks

I've just wasted 2 hours of my life watching Tideland. Jesus, that was a bad movie. So this weird little girl has a mother that dies of an overdose. Then the girl and the father moves out to her grandma's house, and of course she's dead too. And then the father dies and the weird girl meets a mad woman who stuffs up the father and then she, the weird girl and the mad woman's retarded brother lives happily ever after. Or something like that, I lost interest when the father died. So, this is a twohour-movie about a crazy girl. Sucks... I thought it would be good, but man was I wrong. And now I'm gonna erase that movie form my memory and never speak of it again.

Buuut I also watched Bolt and man was that good. And yes, when it comes to movies I'm always really really late. Anyway, Bolt was so cute and I really liked the movie. And Miley Cyrus didn't annoy the hell out of me for once. And that says alot, because usually I can't stand her. Maybe it was because now I didn't have to see her, I don't know...

But I really like movies about animals. I was like "doggy! kitty! hamster...y...". And John Travolta as a dog? That's just so damn cool.

And yes, I cried like a baby at the end of it, but I cry always everytime I watch a movie. But not when I watched Tideland! Then I was just sitting here, thinking "when does it end?". And that's not good...

So, don't watch Tideland!

måndag 28 september 2009

Men who hate women

So, I watched this movie the other day. It's based on a book by Stieg Larsson and it's the first part of a trilogy. And I actually thought it was pretty good. It's about a journalist who helps an old man, Henrik Vanger, to solve a mystery with a missing girl, and when he digs in the Vanger's familyhistory he stumbles upon a horrible and bloody past...

I'm actually kinda surprised that I thought it was good, since I often don't like Swedish movies. They usually have bad actors, bad writing and bad directors. But not this time! Some of the actors were just ok, but there were also the actors who were just awesome. Noomi Rapace was great as the social misfit and computer hacker Lisbeth Salander, and so was Sven-Bertil as the worried old man Henrik Vanger. But the best actor was the perverted and disgusting Nils Bjurman, played by Peter Andersson. He was so great so I, my brother and his girlfriend actually felt sick everytime we saw him. I almost threw up, it was so disgusting. I'm not gonna tell you what he did, but damn was it disgusting.

So it was a good movie, with good acting overall, good build-up, a great twist at the end and overall good directing. And I liked that I didn't have to read the book to get the story and follow it through the whole movie. So I think I'm gonna give this movie 3,5/5. It's a good movie, but not great. Perhaps I'm gonna watch it again, but it's not on my "to do list" right now.

And speaking of nothing at all, I read the magazine Cinema the other day, and in it I read about 4 movies that I have to watch asap. The finnish sci-fi-comedy Iron Sky, Cirque de Freak: The vampire assistant, the animated movie Metropia and James Cameron's Avatar. I think they're gonna rock! At least Iron sky and Avatar. I wanna see them right now. But I guess I have to wait.

Two other movies that I'm waiting for are 9 and Up. Up is coming to Sweden the 16th of October. But I don't think 9 is coming to the theaters here ever. And that sucks... I'm totally upset!

Now it's time for work. Sucks...

fredag 25 september 2009

The awesomeness

Today I've bought a hat. Hooray! I love my hat. But I feel that maybe I've been watching Linkara way to much. He gives me strange hat-ideas!

And also, I've bought the coolest top I've ever seen in my life. It's awesome. Totally fucking cool you might say. I just feel the awesomeness flowing from it.
This. Is. Just. AWESOME!!!

Anywhore, I saw the first one of the Millenium-movies today, as I said in the latest entry. And I don't really know what I thought of it. I think I'm gonna have to sleep on it....

Friday, hooray!

Well, I don't really care that it's friday, but today I'm gonna be mainstream so; TGIF! And I'm doing absolutely nothing. Except for giving the painters outside my bedroomwindow the evil eye. I don't like it when they walk around outside. Oh well, at least they wont see me naked today. Ha!

I saw The Dark Knight yesterday. And yes, I'm really really late, but what the hell. And I was suprised that I liked it. I usually don't like action/superhero-movies but Batman will always be Batman. And I loved Heath Ledger as the Joker. He was awesome! But I didn't like Batman's voice. What was the deal with that? It annoyed the hell out of me.

Anyway, the only true Batman is, and will always be, Michael Keaton.

Tonight I'm gonna watch a movie with my big brother and his girlfriend. And sinve I didn't get to decide which movie we're gonna see (sometimes I hate being the little sister!) we're gonna watch "Millennium: Part 1 - Men Who Hate Women".
A swedish movie. I hate swedish movies... So I'm not really superduperhappy over this, but what can I do? I guess I'm just gonna watch it with a open mind, and then I'll see if it sucks or not...

tisdag 22 september 2009

One step closer

Yes, I'm one step closer to going to the US in march. Hooray for me!

Tomorrow it's time to go to school I think. Needs some help with the assignment I'm working on right now. It's hard to study stuff I'm not interested in. Sucks... But I'm gonna study this, and when I'm done I'm gonna study something that I'm really interested in; mediaproduction. That's what I studied in highschool, so now I'm gonna keep doing it. And that's what I'm gonna study in the US aswell. It's gonna be awesome :)

Now it's time for workout, yay! :)

lördag 19 september 2009


Yupp, I get on my nerves sometimes. And yes, only sometimes. Often I love me. I'm the greatest! And I'm pretty to. As well as a narcissist. But that's not what annoys me. I like being somewhat of a narcissist (not a complete narcissist I may add). Because, if I don't think I'm great, who will? But I digress...

What annoys me about me is that I can never make up my mind when it comes to lifechoices. It's disturbing! I've had all these great plans that never ever happens. Isn't that a waste of time. I've been planning to move all over the counrty, but that never happens. Now I'm planning to move to the US, but I never know what might come in my way. Usually it's my own stupid, want-to-be-safe-brain that does it.

So you know what? I'm so gonna make this blog about my goal. I'm gonna move to the US, and I'm gonna be the best that I can be. I'm gonna be the greatest Vera of all time! Or at least in my time. Anyway, I'm gonna rock!